A NSW Government website

Singleton Hospital


Singleton Hospital provides the health service to the community of Singleton and surrounding district.

The health service has specialist wards/units that include surgical, day surgery, medical, emergency services, obstetric, paediatrics, palliative care, limited care renal dialysis, early childhood and community nursing. 

These facilities are backed up by a broad range of diagnostic and Allied Health services including Radiology, Ultrasound, Physiotherapy, Pharmacy, Pathology, Occupational Therapy, Social Work, ECG and discharge planning.

Several visiting specialists conduct clinics within the hospital. These specialist clinics include cardiology, orthopaedics, renal, gynaecology, ear nose and throat, ophthalmology, colorectal surgery, general surgery and paediatrics. 

Paediatric Services provided 

Singleton District Hospital has 3 designated paediatric beds. Clinics are held at the hospital in a designated appropriate area for children. Outreach clinics are provided locally from The Maitland Hospital. There is a Social Worker on site for referrals.

In this area the Child, Young Person and Family Service consists of Child and Family Health Nursing Services, Speech Pathology Services, Paediatric Psychologist and Community Midwife (Pregnancy Care Program - Aboriginal and Maternal Infant Health Strategy). Audiometry Services and Immunisation Services are provided by community nurses working in collaboration with the paediatric staff from Child and Family Health.

When do we refer to another facility? 

Referrals to John Hunter Children's Hospital or the Sydney Children's Hospital Network may occur.

Non-urgent referrals to subspecialty clinics will occur whenever the Paediatricians require a more specialised opinion.  

Children who are admitted to Singleton District Hospital or neonates who are born here, but require intensive care or immediate subspecialist care are transferred to a tertiary centre by NETS (Neonatal Emergency Transport Service) or other means.  

Children who require specialised treatment which cannot be provided by the Visiting Medical Officer or General Practitioner are admitted to Singleton District Hospital and will be transferred if they are still unwell after 24 hours.

Hours of operation

Singleton District Hospital operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year providing emergency and Inpatient services. Outpatient and Administration services operate from 8.00am - 5.00pm weekdays. 

Location and Contact Details 

Singleton Hospital 

Dangar Road, Singleton, NSW, 2330
Telephone number:                        (02) 6571 9222
Fax number:                                     (02) 6571 9282
Admissions officer:                          (02) 6571 9238
Emergency Department:                 (02) 6571 9222