A NSW Government website

Hunter Genetics

Hunter Genetics is based at the Waratah Campus Newcastle. Hunter Genetics comprises of two services, a General Genetics Service and the Genetics of Learning Disability (GOLD) Service.

General Genetics

The General Service provides clinical genetics services within Hunter New England and to the northern parts of New South Wales. The outpatient service is based at Waratah. Outreach clinics are also conducted at Taree, Tamworth, Port Macquarie, Coffs Harbour, Lismore and Kingscliff.

GOLD Service

The state-wide Genetics of Learning Disability (GOLD) Service is a clinical genetics and research service for families with inherited forms of intellectual disability, including Fragile X Syndrome. The research component includes national and international collaboration focused on the identification of genes associated with inherited forms of intellectual disability. Clinics are frequently held in Newcastle and Sydney, as well as local towns and communities throughout NSW.

What services are provided?

Genetics of Learning Disability (GOLD)

The Genetics of Learning Disability (GOLD) Service is a state-wide service (all of NSW and ACT), providing genetic services to families with inherited forms of an intellectual disability. The GOLD service has a large research component that includes national and international collaboration focused on the identification of genes associated with intellectual delay.

General Genetics Service

Our General Services include:

Outpatient Service

  • Inpatient consultation

Multidisciplinary clinics:

  • Maternal Fetal Medicine
  • Adult Metabolic clinic

Maternal Fetal Medicine Clinic

Is attended in collaboration with the Maternal Fetal Medicine Unit at John Hunter.

Metabolic Clinic

The metabolic team from Westmead, run adult clinics at Hunter Genetics every 3 months. The clinic is for patients with metabolic disorders, such as PKU, homocystinuria and galactosaemia.

Do I need a referral and how do I make an appointment?

  • A medical referral is required.
  • All referrals to be addressed to a staff specialist at Hunter Genetics.

Head of  Department/ Manager- Angela Ingrey

Clinical Geneticists

General Genetics Service

Dr Anna Hackett (Clinical Lead-General Genetics Service), Dr Himanshu Goel, Dr Anne Baxter, Dr Gungan Garg

Genetics of Learning Disability (GOLD) Service

Dr Tracy Dudding-Byth (Director of GOLD), Dr Mike Field

Genetic Counsellors

General Service

Bronwyn Burgess, Angela Ingrey, Sheridan O'Donnell, Shanelle Furtado

Genetics of Learning Disability (GOLD) Service

Carolyn Rogers, Jackie Boyle, Louise Christie, Hannah Thomson

Location and contact details
Address:          Corner of Turton and Tinonee Roads, Waratah NSW 2298 
Postal:           PO Box 84, Waratah NSW 2298
Email:             HNELHD-Genetics@health.nsw.gov.au
Phone:            (02) 4985 3100
Fax:                (02) 4985 3105
Fax Referrals Only:Use SeNT eReferral to send referrals to HNELHD.  If your GP management system does not support SeNT, you may FAX referrals for the General Service to (02) 4923 6589 and  for referrals to the GOLD Service  please FAX to (02) 4924 5754.
Hours:              Our office working hours are 8:00am - 4:30pm Monday to Friday
Fees:                Medicare
Wheelchair Access: We have a ramp into the building, all clinic rooms are on the ground floor and we have disabled bathroom facilities.